Party 04. - 06.09.15 · Festival · Summer camp Meziricko near Merin, Tschechien Line-Up: Line up of the most willing and quite popular domestic DJs and some friends from abroad on 3 stages... Psytrance Stage: Selection of various psytrance music styles... Multi Stage: Selection of various…Info: ACCOMODATION BOOKING: Cottages with 4 or 5 beds are available for a rent for whole weekend. The price is 1.400 CZK (50€) or 1.750 CZK (62,5€) respectively, which means 350 (about 13€) CZK per bed/week…Location: Summer camp Meziricko - near Merin - exit 134 @ highway D1 (… Vorbei: 9j 5m · 956 · Eingetragen von Prenatal Fotos0 People LETNI ZVER 2015 Summer camp Meziricko near… · Tschechien · Karte Fr., 04.09.15, 19:00 - So., 06.09., 13:00= 1t 18stdFestival · Vorbei: 9j 5m