Party 25. - 27.02.11 · Festival · somewhwere in the swis highlands, Schweiz CANCELED Line-Up: XIKWRI NEYRRA (Lisergica 25/Pleiadian)[Mexico] AUTOPSY (Y.A.W.W.E./Scared Evil/Ultratumba)[CH]MUTARO (Alice-D/Bionic Instinct/Mind Expansion)[Germany] JOSHI (Alice-D/H.S.S./Active Meditation)[Germany] DESTRUCTION DERBY (Alice-D/Bionic Instinct)[Germany] VIRUX (Alice-D/BassIntoxication)[Aust…Info: We must inform you unfortunately that because of a withdrawal of the approval of the state bcuz they received several of complaints because of previous festivals, we need to move lastsatanicdance! Mor… Vorbei: 14j · 16.674 · Eingetragen von You Are What We Eat Fotos0 People Last Satanic Dance somewhwere in the swis high… · Schweiz Fr., 25.02.11, 20:00 - So., 27.02., 14:00= 1t 18stdFestival · CANCELED · Vorbei: 14j