Party 29.06. - 01.07.12 · Festival · Bozakovo (Metlika), Slowenien Line-Up: IANUARIA, Hour Sounds Records Behind the Project “Ianuaria” is Josef Hofinger based in Austria. I started treading my musical path at the age of 6, taking drum lessons at music school for 11 years, an…DJ sets: Zvuk (Apsurdistan) Slo Naveen (Labs of Perception) Slo Tyma (Dancing Dragon) Slo Rio (Life Celebration) Cro Kristof (Akrobatik) Slo Kris &Maggiox (T.T.M. Group) Ita Skokni pa Lokni (Forestdel…Info: A Festival which celebrates life, freedom, art and music in nature. The festival’s mission is to provide a unique and unforgettable experience where all participants are at one with nature while reson…Location: The Koupadelik festival will be held on a beautiful riverban… Vorbei: 12j 6m · 4.285 · Eingetragen von Tyma Fotos0 People KOUPADELIK – PSYHEDELIC FESTIVAL OF ARTS & SUSTAINABILITY Bozakovo (Metlika) · Slowenien Fr., 29.06.12, 17:00 - So., 01.07., 12:00= 1t 19stdFestival · Vorbei: 12j 6m