Party 11. - 13.07.14 · Festival · near Budapest, Ungarn / 5 Line-Up: Kindza ( Osom Music) RU 4 hours Psykovsky ( Osom Music, Tantrumm rec) RU 6 + hours Paralocks ( Kamino records ) SA 3 hours Nasgul (Fractal Audio Machinery records) HU 2 hours Insector ( Kamino…Main stage DJ sets: Ape Rape ( HU ) Alautun ( AT ) Mik3l ( Parvati Records IT ) b2b Lova ( NutriaDance IT ) Philoso (Free Radical Records AT ) Pannick ( Dark Prisma GR ) Lyserg ( Lucid Dreams AT )…Info: TICKETS: Informations about the party: - the festival opens at 2014.7.11. 10 a.m. and closes at 2014.7.14. 10 a.m. Anyone who arrives before, or leaves after this dates have to pay the regular campin…Location: Hungary - City: Szob ( zip: 2628 ) Street: Malomvölgyi Gyerm… Vorbei: 10j 8m · 5.883 · Eingetragen von dabudapest Fotos0 People Inner Waves Festival near Budapest · Ungarn · Karte Fr., 11.07.14, 18:00 - So., 13.07., 18:00= 2tFestival · / 5 · Vorbei: 10j 8m