Party 04. - 07.09.14 · Festival · Near u, Italien Line-Up: Welcome to HUMAN EVOLUTION FESTIVAL 2014 With the term "Evolution" we refer to the continuos and progressive accumulation of changes in species, up to they manifest in a long period of time…Info: :::::╰დ╮WORKSHOP & HEALING AREA╭დ╯:::: ॐ Crystal-healing and connection to the heart" workshop held by Nausicaa De Strobel: People have always collected,…Location: MORE SOON.... Vorbei: 10j 5m · 8.916 · Eingetragen von EVOLUTION PARTY Fotos0 People HUMAN EVOLUTION FESTIVAL 2014 III edition Near u · Italien Do., 04.09.14, 17:00 - So., 07.09., 20:00= 3t 3stdFestival · Vorbei: 10j 5m