Party 15. - 20.08.12 · Festival · Gúta, Kolárovo, Slowakei Line-Up: STAGES Koncert: Hey, once somebody asked the Groundation why they play music the answer: the MUSIC IS THE MOST HIGH. Especially if the musicians riding on their instruments reach higher state of consc…Disco at the beginning there was us and fuckin chaos that we blast then the silence came short but quintessent then came the end of old the start of the something new sound was let loose the walls of…Info: Hanna Hanna is a meetup of Mamma Gaia, music, magic, art, technology, trance, ecology, education, intergalactic monkeys, alien otherfunkerz, many many pozitif vibrationez... to celebrate the life, div…Location: THE SPOT A little ecological reserve in Slovakia near the ri… Vorbei: 12j 3m · 3.927 · Eingetragen von Hannahanna Fotos0 People Hanna Hanna Fest & Art Gathering 2012 Kolárovo Slovakia Gúta, Kolárovo · Slowakei Mi., 15.08.12, 12:00 - Mo., 20.08., 12:00= 5tFestival · Vorbei: 12j 3m