Party 25. - 28.01.13 · Festival · Ushuaia, Argentinien Line-Up: Pandora´s Box (Dark Prisma/Sanaton Rec.) Heterogenesis (Rizoma Rec.) Cosmos Vibration (Rizoma Rec.)Neurona Dark Fox Jowe Silencio Azul Fraktal Shelknams Banz Blank Makita Jeg Casete GrandeInfo: "For thousands of years, in the island of Tierra del Fuego the “ Hain” was performed, an initiation rite where natives understand their world and received the necessary skills to live harmoniousl…Location: Hain festival will take place in the beautiful province of T… Vorbei: 12j 1m · 2.879 · Eingetragen von Nothofagus Fotos0 People Hain Festival Ushuaia · Argentinien Fr., 25.01.13, 16:00 - Mo., 28.01., 12:00= 2t 20stdFestival · Vorbei: 12j 1m