Party 06. - 07.06.09 · Festival · Brno, Castle Veveri, Tschechien Line-Up: Monika NACEVA and Dj Five (cz) SHIVANAM (cz) DIDIMOS - Tomas Reindl + special guest (cz) Bakhtar (afg/cz) MIMO TV ambient project (cz) Jamadan (sk) Shivatrance + Andy Warhole (ZeroPoint /cz) Takita -…Five (cz) Mehdi (cz) Forrest (cz) I-One (ShivaCrew / cz) Peky (Hedonix / cz) DaCube (NoiseTribe / cz) Shpack (PBS / cz) Kerray (cz) Jirik (ShivaCrew / cz) Darjeel (cz)Info: Dancers: Al Fayyum Dancers, Rahat Lukum, Aini, Jitka Brabcova Theatre: Darwish wievs of planets Workshops: massage, harmony practice, Shamanic Drums, didjeridoo, indian basic rytms, oriental dancing,…Location: In the magical location of the Veveri Castle with a stunning… Vorbei: 15j 9m · 2.764 · Eingetragen von Shkrk Fotos0 People Global Chill-out Fest Brno, Castle Veveri · Tschechien Sa., 06.06.09, 10:00 - So., 07.06., 23:30= 1t 13stdFestival · Vorbei: 15j 9m