Party 23. - 25.07.10 · Festival · Magical Forest, Litauen / 1 Line-Up: DEVIANT SPECIES [Ambivalent Records, BSQ]FRANTIC NOISE [Dark Prisma Records, ARG]HUX FLUX [Spiral Trax, SWE]MEGALOPSY [Dark Prisma Records, ARG]GENEPOOL [Syncronize Rec./Cosmogenesis Rec., IRE]XURANIU…ATMAN [Swamp Tales, LT] BE LIETAUS [Mind Syrup, LT] FEATHER [Yegaveda, USA] KILI'MAS [Yegaveda, LT] MAGICFUNGUS [D.A.R.K Rec/Swamp Tales, LT] MAN@SPACE [Liquids, LV] SECRET VISION [New Era, CH] SHINEY…Info: SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS/LECTURES: CI-GUN | MA-URI | REIKI | SOUND THERAPY | YOGA DANCE THERAPY | LABYRINTH | CERAMICS WORKSHOP DANCE OF THE DERVISH | INCENSE MAKING WORKSHOP PRANAYAMA | TIBETIAN EXERCISES…Location: Lithuanian Forests. More information on Vorbei: 14j 7m · 5.944 · Eingetragen von Gaia Gathering Fotos0 People :::Gaia Psychedelic Gathering::: Magical Forest · Litauen Fr., 23.07.10, 20:00 - So., 25.07., 12:00= 1t 16stdFestival · / 1 · Vorbei: 14j 7m