Party 29.12. - 01.01.08 · Festival · Leiria - Pedrogão Beach Camping, Portugal / 5 Line-Up: - Brethren (Timecode rec./Spectral Rec.)S.A. - Brain train (En_Sof) PT. - Dragons (peak rec./elestial rec.) Swiss. - EVP (Wilde Thing) U.K. - Freedom Fighters (Utopia rec.)PT. - Guinea Pigs (Free…-Back to the Past (Trance Karma prod.) - Set abertura/ Oppening Set - -Aleph vs Josef - (Timecode rec.) S.A. -Anestetic - (Swing ag.) PT. -Brasca - PT. -Daniel - (peak rec./elestialrec.) Swiss. -D_vis…Info: Info lines: 00351 916051489 00351 917614141 0033 663028441 Open air Festival * Giant circus tents * Chill-out * Bars * Restaurants * First Aids * Free Camping * Hot Showers * Free Wather * Fire Shows… Vorbei: 17j 2m · 15.726 · Eingetragen von Deo Fotos0 People * FREAKS BLAST FESTIVAL * - Gathering 2007/2008 - Leiria - Pedrogão Beach Cam… · Portugal Sa., 29.12.07, 18:00 - Di., 01.01.08, 19:00= 3t 1stdFestival · / 5 · Vorbei: 17j 2m