Party 31.07. - 02.08.15 · Festival · Stephentown, NY, Vereinigte Staaten Line-Up: Aaron Fractaltribe (Fractaltribe // Kinematic Records -- MA) Anya (Damaru Records // Banyan Records -- MA) Artemis (Fractaltribe // Anuuna Records -- MA) Bastion Void *Live Hardware Set* (Moss Arch…Info: A Blue Moon tribal ceremony A woodland retreat for the world-weary A creative launchpad ___ The Concept: Communication is the backbone of our effort to move forward as a cul…Location: Fractal Forest, Stephentown, NY, USA 2.5 hours from New York… Vorbei: 9j 6m · 1.879 · Eingetragen von Goatone Fotos0 People Fractalfest 2015 Stephentown, NY · Vereinigte Staaten Fr., 31.07.15, 16:00 - So., 02.08., 18:00= 2t 2stdFestival · Vorbei: 9j 6m