Party 16. - 22.02.20 · Festival · Sihanoukville, Kambodscha CANCELED Line-Up: -Fire spinning all the time -Hugging workshops -Meditation workshops -Yoga workshops -Healing area -Tandra Massage skill´s -Chillout area -Music goes with the flow (acoustic/D.J's/Jam's)Info: Book at - Last Point - more info´s - BenjiPan´s - Camp Neverland - more info´s - or Book at - Kaktus Resort - more info´s - Possible bookings: - Private Bungalow - Dormitory - Camping (Tent or hamm…Location: Come to Sihanoukville (Cambodia) Otres Beach 2, and ask on B… Vorbei: 5j 20t · 2.248 · Eingetragen von goabenji Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Fire-Flow Festival Sihanoukville · Kambodscha · Karte So., 16.02.20, 12:00 - Sa., 22.02., 08:30= 5t 20stdFestival · CANCELED · Vorbei: 5j 20t