Party 08. - 10.07.11 · Festival · Juupavaara, Finnland Line-Up: TOTAL ECLIPSE -LIVE- (FR) mandala records FUNGUS FUNK / ASTROFF -LIVE- (RU) Unlimited Music / sunstation XATRIK -LIVE- (ZA) disasterpiece records ONKEL DUNKEL -LIVE- (DK) parvati RED -LIVE- (RU)…UNITONE & MELANTY -DJ- (RU) sunstation INDIGO -DJ- (FI) sininen POLLY & MIAZU -DJ- (FI) mmd-records, people of the butterflies E-524 -DJ- (FI) efekti KÖPÄ -DJ- (FI) efektiInfo: Three cities unite and the music flows through consciousness from which the mind and body harmonize to create wonderful moments in time. Existence aims to provide ways in wich people can participate i…Location: Juupavaara Väikkisuontie 40 35530 Lyly Vorbei: 13j 8m · 2.807 · Eingetragen von polly Fotos0 People Existence -Continuum- Juupavaara · Finnland Fr., 08.07.11, 22:00 - So., 10.07., 12:00= 1t 14stdFestival · Vorbei: 13j 8m