Party 21. - 23.03.08 · Festival · Planet Gaia (Huelva), Spanien / 7 Line-Up: MULTIMAN NEW PROGRAM::::MAIN FLOOR:::: FRIDAY 21: TRANSITION FULL MOON PARTY ----- 22:00-23:30 ...MEDITATION... 23:30-02:00 JES…Info: There will be a little camping zone where you can create your own area with your friends. Please keep as clean as posible your area, the party belongs to everyone. This area must be IN the pine wood.…Location: A beautiful place located between Huelva and Seville. The cl… Vorbei: 16j 11m · 9.494 · Eingetragen von Transition Fotos0 People EQUILIBRIO SOLAR Planet Gaia (Huelva) · Spanien Fr., 21.03.08, 21:00 - So., 23.03., 19:00= 1t 22stdFestival · / 7 · Vorbei: 16j 11m