Party 26.07. - 01.08.10 · Festival · MUGLA, Türkei / 1 Line-Up: TRYAMBAKA (Spectral Rec - Bhooteshwara Rec) ENTHEOGENIC (Universal symbols Rec.) TRAVMA (Ezel-Ebed Records) TALPA - Serbia (Up Records) DIGICULT ( Dacru Rec.) EPHEDRIX ( Dacru Rec.) LAMAT ( Dacr…Z-CAT - Moscow (Ultravision rec / TLN Promotion) CYBERSOUND - Turkey (Mind Manifest Project) MOKSHA - Macedonia (Biomechanix Rec./Active Meditation Music) SUPERSAM - Goa (Goan Mantra Rec.) MAGIC BO…Info: LOCATION / MEKAN Highest peak of the Muğla area, the 2294 meter Sandras mountain is surrounded by a deep green flora. With a 3 km asphalt entrance, the village road taking off from the Ağla…Location: GOKCEOVA / SANDRAS Vorbei: 14j 7m · 9.814 · Eingetragen von psyborg Fotos0 People ELEMENTAL EVOLUTION 2010 Mugla · Türkei Mo., 26.07.10, 12:00 - So., 01.08., 12:00= 6tFestival · / 1 · Vorbei: 14j 7m