Party 28. - 30.01.11 · Festival · Sectret Location in the mountains, Panama / 1 Line-Up: Otkun "Morocco/Canada" (Atomes / Nomadstribe) Fractal Funghi "South Africa" (Indian Connection) Ozidelic "Panama" (Ke Lo Kenji Tribe) "SPECIAL PERFORMACE" El Ba…Komarchiki "Russia" (Sonic Chakras Rec) Mind Pulse "Panama" (Ke Lo Kenji Tribe) Redpoint "Guatemala" (Shaman Films & Under Voice Records) Pepa "Panama" (Ke Lo K…Info: Ke Lo Kenji is happy to invite you to the celebration of the beginning of 2011 with a psychedelic gathering full of music, colors and good vibrations where will be able to share everything we have…Location: Outdoor Secret Location in the mountains Vorbei: 14j 1m · 2.243 · Eingetragen von Impulse Response Fotos0 People ElectroMagnetic V3 Sectret Location in the mou… · Panama Fr., 28.01.11, 18:00 - So., 30.01., 18:00= 2tFestival · / 1 · Vorbei: 14j 1m