Party 09. - 11.05.08 · Festival · Cubieres sur cinoble 11190 south France, Frankreich / 1 Line-Up: -- Atriohm -- (Parvati rec) MAK -- Blisargon Demogorgon -- (bhooteshwara rec) MAK -- Bombax -- (Free Radical rec) DE -- Braincell -- (GlowingFlame rec) CH -- Cosmosophy -- (Elestia rec) CH -- Dir…-- Apex -- (Peak rec / Nothern Psylight rec) UK -- Dhrira -- (Body&Mind / Dragonhunters / Peak rec) FR -- Dj Hoffman -- (Virus-Tekk Rec) PT -- Doog -- (Psy spirit Family) FR -- Engel070 -- (Archeo0…Info: Freaksss !!! Voila we're back! After a year-end very hard, busy finding and refunds the desastre from this summer. Done a 90%: Soundsystem, Presales, Artists, shops etc etc. ..... of course we still h…Location: Cubieres sur cinoble 11190 south France Vorbei: 16j 7m · 4.272 · Eingetragen von Dragonhunters Fotos0 People Dragonhunters party open air South of France Cubieres sur cinoble 11190… · Frankreich Fr., 09.05.08, 16:00 - So., 11.05., 16:00= 2tFestival · / 1 · Vorbei: 16j 7m