Party 30.07. - 02.08.15 · Festival · hultsfred airport, Schweden Line-Up: ..Line up.. -----MAIN FLOOR--- Oxidaksi - Israel [Kamino Rec / Noise Poisen Rec] Electrypnose - Switzerland Gotavat - Italy/Portugal [Kamino Rec] Skyhigh Pirates - France/Uk [World People Prod]…Info: --DjurniversE-- Is a Psychedelic family providing spectacular Gatherings with sound, lights and people that will move your Universe -- To really understand DjurniversE, its easier to describe the word… Vorbei: 9j 6m · 5.148 · Eingetragen von Lostcrew Fotos0 People DjurniversE AkA HUR GÖR DJUR 2015 hultsfred airport · Schweden Do., 30.07.15, 09:00 - So., 02.08., 14:30= 3t 5stdFestival · Vorbei: 9j 6m