Party 15. - 17.07.11 · Festival · Lostallo (GR) Switzerland, Schweiz / 5 Line-Up: ATMA (Y.S.E Records, AUT) COMPRESSOR (24/7 Records, UK) E-CLIP (Yellow sunshine Explosion, SRB) ITAL (Antu Records, CHI) MANTRA FLOW (Mutagen, DK) MENTAL BROADCAST (24/7 Records, BR) MONKEYSEXPLOSION (Monke…ANTENAUS (Gioacosmica, CH) AKUSTIK (Spin twist, CH) ARMONIX (Solar tech, CH) AUDIOCLIP (Narmada productions, CH) DRISS (Hadra records, FR) E-FREQUENCY (Zero Rec, CH) FOG & PHOBOS (Looney Moon Records, IT) D…Info: !!!ATTENTION!! ► FOR BUY THE TICKET: After the great experience of last year, we are happy to announce you the second "Digital Waves Festival" edition!! This year we're ready to impre…Location: Lostallo - GR - Switzerland Vorbei: 13j 7m · 18.052 · Eingetragen von Danceline Fotos0 People DIGITAL WAVES - Psychedelic Music Festival (II edition 2011) Lostallo (GR) Switzerland · Schweiz · Karte Fr., 15.07.11, 18:00 - So., 17.07., 18:00= 2tFestival · / 5 · Vorbei: 13j 7m