Party 31.12. - 02.01.06 · Festival · URUBAMBA - Sacred Valley of the Inkas, Peru Line-Up: LUCHO BAUER Live Performance MOONDRUMERS-sutreshvar jambee, cajon & moreDJS: OMEN JAT (Slovenia) Sattva music / SLO melodic & full on goatrance EROFEX (Bolivia) REIKA (Bolivia) MATAKANA (Austria) Malice in wonderland/resonant earth www. LANDPLAGE (German…Info: we work to created a human soport here at the sacred valley of the inkas: Benefic charities: " MOSOQ RUNA " (Children house, ccotohuincho-URUBAMBA) " CORAZONES PARA LOS NIÑOS DEL PERU&qu…Location: Camping Los Cedros, (400 mts from "TORRECHAYOC CHURCH&q… Vorbei: 19j 1m · 6.006 · Eingetragen von cesar Fotos0 People !!! DESTINATION FESTIVAL -VII !!! URUBAMBA - Sacred Valley of… · Peru Sa., 31.12.05, 22:00 - Mo., 02.01.06, 12:00= 1t 14stdFestival · Vorbei: 19j 1m