Party 19. - 23.07.13 · Festival · Halkidiki, Griechenland / 1 Line-Up: ALTRUISM (Vagalume Rec) ANGRY LUNA (Noise Poison Rec) AQUAFEEL (Spintwist Rec) ARJUNA (Parvati Rec) ATRIOHM (Parvati Rec) AVALON (Nano Rec) BURN IN NOISE (Alchemy Rec) CALIFORNIA SUNSHINE (Soundless R…ABSOLUT ZERO (Landmark Rec / ALEXSENSE (Phoenix Groove Rec. / 6th Sense) BALLIOU (Artificial Melodies) BLACK NOISE (Phantasm Rec / CONFO DOC (Harmonia Rec) MINDPHASER (…Info: Welcome at Halkidiki!!! A wonderful part of North Greece located 100 km east of Thessaloniki. According to mythology, Halkidiki was the place were a huge battle took place, opposing Zeus and the other…Location: Halkidiki Vorbei: 11j 6m · 17.231 · Eingetragen von JunioR Fotos0 People Dance Xperience Festival 2013 Halkidiki · Griechenland Fr., 19.07.13, 20:00 - Di., 23.07., 18:00= 3t 22stdFestival · / 1 · Vorbei: 11j 6m