Party 01. - 04.06.12 · Festival · Somerset, Großbritannien Line-Up: ❖ MAIN DANCE STAGE ❖ ❖ LIVE ACTS ❖ : ❖ KOX BOX ❖ (Twisted Rec.) DK ❖ ELECTRYPNOSE ❖ (2to6 Rec.) CH ❖ SENSIENT ❖ (Zenon Rec.) AU…Info: Cosmo Festival is a Psychedelic trance gathering of tribes founded in year 2009. Creating self awareness in dance and unity to celebrate the joy of being on Earth. The beginning of a world consciousne…Location: Built in the heart of the psychedelic paradise of english Co… Vorbei: 12j 8m · 14.478 · Eingetragen von indian connection Fotos0 People COSMO FESTIVAL 2012 -- "" FULL MOON ADVENTURES "" Somerset · Großbritannien Fr., 01.06.12, 08:00 - Mo., 04.06., 20:00= 3t 12stdFestival · Vorbei: 12j 8m