Party 24. - 28.06.10 · Festival · Hampshire, Großbritannien Line-Up: COSMO STAGE Psytrance Music ARJUNA (Parvati Records) IT ANNOYINGNINJAS (Mighty Quinn Records) DK ALRUNE (Gi'iwa Productions) DK AVALAUGH (Operation Avalaugh) UK CHAMELEON (Liquid Records) UK DEVIA…AKOM (Black Listet Freaks ) DK ARJUNA (Parvati Records) IT BABA BHOLE (Indian Connection) IND BEARDY (Wildthings Records) UK FORDY (Brainwaves) UK FRODOHM (Yggdrasil Records) NO HAWAIIK (Chillum Tribe…Info: Tickets: Available through ACCESS ALL AREAS If you prefer to book your ticket over the phone please call 02072678320 or 02072676148, Monday to Wednesday 12pm – 7pm and Thursday to Saturday 12pm – 8pm…Location: Woodmancott, Winchester, Hampshire Vorbei: 14j 5m · 3.904 · Eingetragen von indian connection Fotos0 People COSMO FESTIVAL 2010 Hampshire · Großbritannien Do., 24.06.10, 12:00 - Mo., 28.06., 12:00= 4tFestival · Vorbei: 14j 5m