Party 16. - 18.05.03 · Festival · Gutenbrunn (Waldviertel), Österreich / 6 Line-Up: TRANSDRIVER (Russia) Kajola (A) Camoran (A)Sekas (Scandinavian Trance Prom, Sweden) Horizon (CosmixedSociety, Usa) Alizard (HeadLand Prod, Gr) GoaGnom (PiratTribe, Fr) Beetle (psyconjurer,A) GoaAndi (NexTime Prod,A) Dali (HeadLand Prod, Earth) Maxx…Info: party will go on whatever the weather... The Party starts 10:00 friday and goes till sunday afternoon, chill out in the day, freakfactory in the night !!!...All are invited to come and enjoy this expe…Location: A1 bis Melk, ueber Donabruecke-richtung Emmersdorf-rechts ri… Vorbei: 21j 9m · 6.783 · Eingetragen von TintiFax Fotos0 People Cosmixed & HeadLand(FullMoon) Gutenbrunn (Waldviertel) · Österreich Fr., 16.05.03, 10:30 - So., 18.05., 14:30= 2t 4stdFestival · / 6 · Vorbei: 21j 9m