Party 22. - 24.05.15 · Festival · Groningen, Niederlande CANCELED Line-Up: 3 stages! Main Stage: Goa (prog-full on) Alternative Stage: Acid, Oldskool, Techno, Ska, Dub, etc Chill-Out Stage: Deephouse, Downtempo, Chill, Balkan Beatz Line up T.B.AInfo: CF III will be the 4th party for the 3rd year in a row on this location. Right from the start the parties were a big hit and got visited by people from all over the country. I think we grew a reasonab…Location: The location will NOT be revealed at ANY time! Get in touch… Vorbei: 9j 9m · 1.373 · Eingetragen von Guerrilla Catering & Event Fotos0 People Combined Forces III (The race for Kipor) Groningen · Niederlande Fr., 22.05.15, 20:00 - So., 24.05., 18:00= 1t 22stdFestival · CANCELED · Vorbei: 9j 9m