Party 27. - 29.06.14 · Festival · Near Arad, Rumänien Line-Up: **Goa Stage** lineup : FLANGER STRANGERS - HU Deeprog Recordings/Y-Production KUGLER - HU Future Tribe/Psychedelia Crew/Psyfreq PH - HU PSYLEV - RO REGGIE - RO ZEROTWONINE - PT SEME - RO KOBOLD…Info: Keeping the annual tradition, we will prepare this year's event organized by party people to the party people, Birthday Bash vol 3. In terms of dj, we have veterans, foreign, domestic, old school, ha…Location: West of Romania - Casoaia (Arad Country) Vorbei: 10j 7m · 756 · Eingetragen von Psylev Fotos0 People Birthday Bash Vol.3 Near Arad · Rumänien Fr., 27.06.14, 17:00 - So., 29.06., 17:00= 2tFestival · Vorbei: 10j 7m