Party 02. - 04.09.05 · Festival · forested camp Rovišt, Tschechien Line-Up: ANALOG PUSSY (AP-Rec/GER) Barracuda (Dark Life Rec/Poznan) Mutant Star (CZ)Main Psychedelic stage: Hallabanaha Djs (Warszawa/PL) Kvieq, Bongo, Mabeat HedoniX Djs PsyriX, Prenatal, Filipsz, Searcher, MP, Martyzan RolloBaba (Tatrance/SK) Nem (OxygenREC/CZ) Cymoon (Sonic Distor…Info: In the dark depths of the ARXON galaxy, close to KUAKA nebula, in space called GION, lies the planet of HIPPONIA. In times of the galactic wars most of the inhabitants moved to ZERO quadrant based in…Location: forested camp Rovišt (near Kamyk nad Vltavou) 40 km southwar… Vorbei: 19j 5m · 1.947 · Eingetragen von Prenatal Fotos0 People BIG BANG! [HedoniX 6'th Universary] forested camp Rovišt · Tschechien Fr., 02.09.05, 20:00 - So., 04.09., 12:00= 1t 16stdFestival · Vorbei: 19j 5m