Party 01. - 04.07.10 · Festival · Malmoe, Schweden Line-Up: PsyFloor ----- BEAT BIZARRE (IBOGA RECORDS) TENKA (ECHOES) FLOWJOB (IBOGA RECORDS) REEFER DECREE (IBOGA RECORDS) SOLID SNAKE (Tribal Vision/Iboga)…_____ GOA/PSY/PROGRESSIVE FLOOR ___ Phantazm - Psy/Goa/Prog Shantaram - Goa/Psy White buddha - Progressive Molekyl - Pr…Info: For the 4th year in a row we are proud to present Basecamp! This year we are doing it better, bigger and with more attitude than ever before. One floor will blow your mind with everything from Progres…Location: Near Malmö Vorbei: 14j 7m · 4.452 · Eingetragen von Phantazm Fotos0 People Basetail: BaseCamp IV - OPEN AiR FESTiVAL Malmoe · Schweden Do., 01.07.10, 22:00 - So., 04.07., 18:00= 2t 20stdFestival · Vorbei: 14j 7m