Party 02. - 04.07.10 · Festival · s'Hertogenbosch, Niederlande Line-Up: Bring or be your instrumentdj Maya de Bij Cosmic high canceled due to recovery, we wish him all the best. Dj Orakel Avontura Secas Jape du Marie (global aura events) Mislukt (global aura events) Tellurium Psychoactive Acirip Sh…Info: We will have a awesome sound-system wich depending on the area's we host can give up to 2 * 2KW ! This time tha back to nature crew also has got a few other suprises. Stay tuned.. Camping possible at…Location: Location is anounced due to mailng, subscribe to before thu… Vorbei: 14j 8m · 4.176 · Eingetragen von maya Fotos0 People Back to Nature invites free spirits s'Hertogenbosch · Niederlande Fr., 02.07.10, 23:00 - So., 04.07., 23:00= 2tFestival · Vorbei: 14j 8m