Party 28. - 30.08.09 · Festival · between berlin hamburg, Deutschland CANCELED Line-Up: ARTISTS: KYA (PAGANOIZE / GERMANY) PAN GOHR (SCARED-EVIL REC. / APURINAMI RECORDS / SWISS) CHAOSSTEPZZ (DARK BRAIN MASSAGE / GERMANY) HALUNKE (MIND-EXPANSION / GERMANY) CORIOUS (LYCANTROP REC. / URBAN…~~~ THE SAME THING~~~ _____Location: the location it is in germany, but in the time secret next t… Vorbei: 15j 5m · 6.403 · Eingetragen von psycat Fotos0 People Aufstand der Kuscheltiere: part one between berlin hamburg · Deutschland Fr., 28.08.09, 10:00 - So., 30.08., 20:00= 2t 10stdFestival · CANCELED · Vorbei: 15j 5m