Party 19. - 22.08.05 · Festival · Rhinow/Stölln between Berlin and Hamburg, Deutschland / 35 Line-Up: Indika (Spirit Zone / AP Records, Vazik & Geza, Mexico) Salaris (GER) Silent Scream (Israel, Vision Quest Rec.) Skazi (Chemical Crew, Israel) Son Kite (Digital Structures, Sweden) Star Sounds Orchestra…Antaro (Voov Experience) Jackomo (Sounds Of Earth, CH) Nico (Germany) Rica (xxxperience, Brazil) Sangeet (Salaris, Germany) Sabaii Sabaii (Thailand) Scotty (Voov Experience) Zig (Israel)Info: Busshutlle from the Train Station Neustadt/Dosse to theparty place and return. Welcome to Laugh & Dance Your antaris CrewLocation: The beautiful glider airport Otto Lilienthal near Rhinow/Stö… Vorbei: 19j 5m · 14.539 · Eingetragen von Reinhard Fotos0 People Antaris Rhinow/Stölln between Berli… · Deutschland Fr., 19.08.05, 10:00 - Mo., 22.08., 19:00= 3t 9stdFestival · / 35 · Vorbei: 19j 5m