Party 08. - 11.09.11 · Festival · ISLA DEL SOL - LA PAZ , Bolivien Line-Up: 2012 ( Respect ) - BRASIL - MECHANICAL APE (Speedsound Rec. / Andean Tribe Rec.) - BRASIL -CONEXION ANIMAS (Andean Tribe/Spyral Muzik ) - BOLIVIA - DEEP SOUTH (Neurotrance Rec.) - BOLIVIA - PROTOSS…ZAGHINI ( Respect / Antu Records ) - BRASIL - EDU ( Respect ) - BRASIL - RADHA (Amazonia Line/ Undergroove) - BRASIL -DULIO (Tanvava - Andean Tribe ) -BRASIL LOVETRONICS (Amazonia Line/ Undergroove…Info: ANDEAN TRIBE Presents : ANDEAN TRANCE FESTIVAL 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 / Sep / 2011 Isla del Sol is an island in the southern part of Lake Titicaca. Geographically, the terrain is harsh; it is a rocky, hilly… Vorbei: 13j 5m · 5.028 · Eingetragen von Andean Fotos0 People ANDEAN TRANCE FESTIVAL 2011 Isla Del Sol - La Paz · Bolivien Do., 08.09.11, 17:00 - So., 11.09., 12:00= 2t 19stdFestival · Vorbei: 13j 5m