Party 10. - 16.09.04 · Festival · Near Catelo Mendo (Guarda), Portugal / 1 Line-Up: Day 10 -Suria (crystal matrix) -Darkpsy (pt.) -Shakri (pt.) -(more info soon more will come) Day 11 -Jelly Heads (parvatti rec/vertigo/) (fr.) -Menog (odd rec/tribeadelic/spectral) (pt.) -N3xu5 (parva…Day 10 -Microhoffman ( -Ay-Ash ( -Korpora ( -VeG (odd rec/lunatic asylum org) -Psychotic Sonic (ddp prod.) -Psyx (pt.) Day 11 -Kuntact ( (pt.)…Info: The place is near the border of Spain (fuentes de onoro ) Vilar Formoso then pick the old road to Guarda city, in the way you will see the party for sure will have lots of indications Thanks Come in P…Location: -Porto: A1 until Albergaria, IP5 on direction of Vilar Formo… Vorbei: 20j 5m · 2.754 · Eingetragen von moonblast Fotos0 People 10-11-12 Setembro "Rock´in rio Côa" (Portugal (Guarda)) Near Catelo Mendo (Guarda) · Portugal Fr., 10.09.04, 22:00 - Do., 16.09., 16:00= 5t 18stdFestival · / 1 · Vorbei: 20j 5m