Party 9 - 10 Oct 12 · Open Air · Tecpan, Chimaltenango (near to Iximche), Guatemala Line Up: +* FRIDAY Dec. 21st. WINTER SOLSTICE RITUAL Mayan opening Ceremony of Spiritual Transition and New Era on the afternoon, followed by NIMBA (Tribal Psychedelic) – Ariane -, THE NOMMOS - Goa GiL & Arian…Info: The date of the Ritual; its a very but a very Important date for the Humankind; so we insist; Prepare yourself very well and meditate about it !!! even if you are not with us in our cosmic dancing med…Location: +* LOCATION: Somewhere around this Wonderful Country, Holy L… Over: 12y 5m · 2,442 · Added by Presidelic PsyFamilyGuatemaya Photos0 People Winter Solstice Ritual 21.12.2012 GOA GIL & ARIANE Tecpan, Chimaltenango (near… · Guatemala Tue, 9 Oct 12, 22:00 - Wed, 10 Oct, 12:00= 14hOpen Air · Over: 12y 5m