Party 9 - 10 Apr 11 · Indoor · ANTWERP,belgium, Belgium Line Up: COSMIC LIZARD (live) (arcade disfunction rec.)ARADE DISFUNCTION OPENING VS DOHIYI (arcade disfunction rec) DARK EUFORIA (arcade disfunction rec/9th circle rec./ritmik state org) YUU REI (arcade disfucntion rec./madness develptment krew/evil hertz…Info: since we've been asked by a good friend to give a party for and with him were now organizing a darkpsy party in antwerp (more info soon loc confirmed) for more info AND RESERVATION email dark_euforia_…Location: for reservation and location e mail me at Over: 13y 10m · 1,322 · Added by dark euforia Photos0 People THUNDERCAT'Z: the quest for darkness ANTWERP,belgium · Belgium Sat, 9 Apr 11, 22:00 - Sun, 10 Apr, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Over: 13y 10m