Party 14 - 15 Jul 07 · Indoor · Wien, Austria / 5 Line Up: Hujaboy (Tip World/Israel) First time in AUSTRIA Presenting his brandnew album to apear in September "Premium Delirium" Imix ( Presenting his first album "One"…Professor (Dimension / Austria) Atreyu (Endless Crew / Austria) Origin (Interplay of Forces / Austria) FadeFX vs DaRay (Supersane Collective / Austria)Info: wir haben uns entschlossen zu retten was zu retten ist, und möchten trotzdem für simon eine spendenaktion durchführen! ----- Timetable ----- 22.00 - 00.00 Atreyu 00.00 - 01,15 Kajola…Location: MOZAIK Schererstrasse 4 1210 Wien schöne, große Halle 10min… Over: 17y 7m · 8,397 · Added by Spoonman Photos0 People ENTERING MULTIVERSE ~~<:REBIRTH:>~~ Wien · Austria · Map Sat, 14 Jul 07, 22:00 - Sun, 15 Jul, 10:00= 12hIndoor · / 5 · Over: 17y 7m